1. Name of the Unit/ Industry*2. Address3. Tel. No. with Code*4. Email* 5. Website 6. Product / Product mix (Give product name and specifications)7. Name of the CEO/ Director/Owner*8. Mobile No.9. Email 10. Tariff Category/Slab (EHT/HT/LT/ [I, II....])10a. Contract Maximum Demand in kVA or kW10b. Average Recorded (2023-24) MD in kVA10c. Annual Electrical Energy Consumption in Million kWh (MU) (including self-generation)11. Production and Energy Consumption details11.1a Annual Production Product 1 (in MT)2021-222022-232023-2411.1b Annual Production Product 2 (in MT)2021-222022-232023-2411.1c Annual Production Product 3 (In MT)2021-222022-232023-2411.2 Total annual Production Cost (Rs. In Lakhs)2021-222022-232023-2411.3 Total annual Energy Cost (Rs. In Lakhs)2021-222022-232023-2411.4 Energy Cost as % of Production cost (%)2021-222022-232023-2411.5 Total Electrical Energy purchased (Million kWh )2021-222022-232023-2411.6 Total Electrical Energy Generated (Million kWh)2021-222022-232023-2411.7a Fuel used for Power generation (specify type of fuel) Calorific Value in Ton2021-222022-232023-2411.7b Fuel used for Power generation (specify type of fuel) Calorific Value in Ton2021-222022-232023-2411.8a Total Thermal Energy Consumption (Except fuel used for power generation) Furnace Oil (Calorific Value in Ton)2021-222022-232023-2411.8b Total Thermal Energy Consumption (Except fuel used for power generation) Coal (Calorific Value in Ton)2021-222022-232023-2411.8c Total Thermal Energy Consumption (Except fuel used for power generation) HSD (Calorific Value in Ton)2021-222022-232023-2411.8d Total Thermal Energy Consumption (Except fuel used for power generation) Natural Gas (Calorific Value in Ton)2021-222022-232023-2411.8e Total Thermal Energy Consumption (Except fuel used for power generation) Others (Calorific Value in Ton)2021-222022-232023-2411.9 Specific Electrical energy consumption (if possible, normalize to one product & specify units)2021-222022-232023-2411.10 Specific Thermal Energy consumption (if possible, normalize to one product & specify units)2021-222022-232023-24*(Specify the unit if the unit is other than given in the table)12a. Last energy audit conducted on:12b. Last energy audit conducted by: (Give name and address of Energy Auditing firm)Frequency of Energy Audit: (Please put a √ from the options given) Once in a year Once in two years Once in three years Other, Specify13a. Energy conservation activities undertaken during the 2021-22Project/Program/Activity TitleCategory (Put code no. from below)Project cost (Rs. Lakhs)Annual Savings (Electricity (kWh))Annual Savings (Fuel (Litres))Total cost savings (Rs. Lakhs)13b. Energy conservation activities undertaken during the 2022-23Project/Program/Activity TitleCategory (Put code no. from below)Project cost (Rs. Lakhs)Annual Savings (Electricity (kWh))Annual Savings (Fuel (Litres))Total cost savings (Rs. Lakhs)13c. Energy conservation activities undertaken during the 2023-24Project/Program/Activity TitleCategory (Put code no. from below)Project cost (Rs. Lakhs)Annual Savings (Electricity (kWh))Annual Savings (Fuel (Litres))Total cost savings (Rs. Lakhs)Categories House keeping Code No. A Efficient operation Code No. B Inter fuel substitution Code No. C Technology up-gradation Code No. D Cogeneration Code No. E Others Code No. F14. If you have received any energy conservation awards in last 3 years, mention the year and details.15. Are you notified as Designated Consumer (DC) under EC Act-200115.1 If yes, target given and achieved in previous PAT cycles15.2 Energy consumption in metric ton of oil equivalent (MTOE) in the current financial year 2023-2415.3 Whether IS0 50001 Energy Management System Certified (Yes/No)? If yes, please attach a copy (Maximum size of the file is 8MBYesNo15.4. Energy Manager DetailsNameEM/EA NumberDesignatione-mailTelephone16. Furnish the details of Energy Policy and Energy Conservation Committee/Cell/Circles functioning in your organization. (use additional sheets if required)17. Details on training programs/ webinars/campaigns in energy Conservation organized/conducted in 2023-2418. Details of innovative technologies implemented in energy efficiency and conservation:19. Details of renewable energy projects:20. Whether applied for any GHG emission reduction program. If yes submit the summary of expected CO2 reduction per yearDetails to be attached as follows • Unit Profile (100 words) • Energy Management Policy, if any • Specification of Captive power plants (Rating in kVA and specification of DG set/ TG set) • If Cogeneration, specification of Cogeneration plant (with schematic diagram) • Graphical Representation of Specific Energy Consumption • Energy conservation cell structure, if any • Major Energy Conservation Projects Implemented during the Year 2023-24 (brief description with photo) • Other Energy projects implemented during 2023-24. • Future Energy Conservation Plans and Targets • Details regarding Environment and Safety. • Annual Report. (Preferably for three years) • Supporting documents related to statutory requirements such as PCB clearance etc. Upload suporting documents as single pdf only* It is to certify that the enterprise/organization is presently following all the statutory requirements pertaining to the safety and pollution control and the facts stated above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.Date MM DD YYYY Date and Place*Name & Designation:*