1. Name of the ULB*2. Year of Formation*3. Complete address of ULB (including Chief Executive’s name & designation) with telephone, fax nos., E-Mail and Mobile nos. (All details to be submitted)*4. Name, designation, address, telephone, mobile, fax nos. & E-Mail of responsible person who could be contacted in connection with the application for Award (All details to be submitted)5. Description of the ULB and Connected Load (kW)6. Name of the Commissioner/ CEO/ MD/ Competent Authority7. Email*8. Mobile No.*9. Name of the Technical officer/ Engineer looking after energy related activities10. Email*11. Mobile No.12. General Description12(i). Total Area of Coverage (in Sq. kms)2021-222022-232023-2412(ii). Population (in Lakhs)2021-222022-232023-2412(iii). Number of Street lights installed (in No.s)2021-222022-232023-2412(iv). Total Area Covered for Streetlights (in Sq. kms)2021-222022-232023-2412(v). Quantity of drinking water pumped (in Million m3 /year)2021-222022-232023-2412(vi). Total Area Covered for Water pumping (in Sq. kms)2021-222022-232023-2412(vii). Quantity of Sewage Pumped (in Million m3 /year)2021-222022-232023-2412(viii). Total Area Covered for Sewage pumping (in Sq. kms)2021-222022-232023-2412(ix). ECBC complied buildings under ULB (in Numbers)2021-222022-232023-2412(x). ECBC complied built-up area (attach the copies of ECBC TPA certificates uploaded by the building applicants through DPMS) (in Sq. m)2021-222022-232023-2412a. Upload the Supporting Document (pdf format only)13. Electricity Energy Consumption in the ULB13(a). Electricity consumption for street lighting (in Million kWh)2021-222022-232023-2413(b). Electricity consumption for drinking water pumping (in Million kWh)2021-222022-232023-2413(c). Electricity consumption for sewage pumping (in Million kWh)2021-222022-232023-2413(d). Electricity Consumption (purchased from DISCOM only for services) (d = a+b+c) (in Million kWh)2021-222022-232023-2413(e). Self-generated (in Million kWh)2021-222022-232023-2413(f). Total Electricity Consumption (f=d+e) (in Million kWh)2021-222022-232023-2413(g). Specific Electrical Energy Consumption in Street lightening/ total area covered [13 (a) / 12 (iv)] (in Million kWh/km2)2021-222022-232023-2413(h). Specific Electrical Energy Consumption in drinking water pumping / Quantity of water supplied / area of coverage [{13 (b) /12 (v)} / 12 (vi)] (in Million kWh/km2)2021-222022-232023-2413(i). Specific Electrical Energy Consumption in Sewerage pumping / Quantity of sewerage pumped / area of coverage [{13 (c) / 12 (vii)} / 12 (viii)] (in kWh / m3/area covered in m2)2021-222022-232023-24Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) Reduction during the period 2021– 202413(j). % Reduction over preceding year in street lighting (in %)2021-222022-232023-2413(k). % Reduction over preceding year in Water Pumping (in %)2021-222022-232023-2413(l). % Reduction over preceding year in Sewerage Pumping (in %)2021-222022-232023-2414. Achievement of energy savings from implementation of new Energy Efficiency Projects during the year 2021 -24 (The energy savings achieved shall only the projects which have been implemented during 2021-24) –Attach14.1 Annual Electricity Savings (Million kWh)During the period 2021 - 2022Any Other14.2 Annual Electricity Savings (Million kWh)During the period 2022 - 2023Any Other14.3 Annual Electricity Savings (Million kWh)During the period 2023 - 2024Any Other14.4 Upload the File15. Absolute Savings(i) Elect. Saving (Million kWh) in 2022-23(ii) Elect. Consumption (Million kWh) in 2021-22% Elect. Saving (savings achieved/ electricity consumption of proceeding year) ((i)/(ii)) x100(iii) Elect. Saving (Million kWh) in 2023-24(iv) Elect. Consumption (Million kWh) In 2022-23% Elect. Saving (savings achieved/ electricity consumption of proceeding year) ((iii)/(iv)) x 10016. Other Information16.1 Have you received any energy conservation awards in last 3 years? If yes, mention the year and details16.2 Details of training programs/campaigns in energy Conservation organized/conducted in 2023-24 (mentioned the title here and attached the relevant document)16.2a Attach the relevant Document16.3 Details of Energy Conservation Studies conducted in 2023-24 (attached the relevant document)16.3a Attach the relevant Document16.4 Attach the copy of electricity bills or abstract certified by competent authority of ULB as proof from 2021-22 to 2023-2416.4a Attach the relevant DocumentConsent* It is to certify that the above stated information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.Date & Place*Name & Designation*